Dimensions variable
Stereoscopic computer animation with omnidirectional photography and sound
Conglomerate Distortions is a series of immersive animations that emerge from collaborative artists Sala Wong and Peter Williams’ practice of hypertourism. The series was inspired by the artists’ visit to Art Basel Hong Kong 2014, where they were met with wildly varying images and objects for sale from all over the world within a densely packed exhibition and marketing space. For each instance of the series, the artists visit a range of tourist spectacles in different locations and within a compressed timeframe. Throughout this process, they document their experiences using panoptic cameras. Panoptic photography is used because, photographing in all directions at once, it provides an approximation of “immediate surroundings,” displacing the conventional “framing” of a scene and including visual information outside of the artists’ selective view.
The photographs are collaged together in a manner that interprets the artists’ experiences. The completed collages are then composited using CG Animation techniques. Presented as a synchronized, projection-based installation, the effect is an immersive and dizzying reproduction of the artists' experiences as hypertourists.
Conglomerate Distortions will be exhibited in the
SIGGRAPH Asia 2015 Art Gallery (Nov. 3-5, Kobe Japan) and was included in the internationally traveling
2014 Lumen Prize exhibition. Project/SIGGRAPH exhibition supported in part by Indiana University's Advanced Visualization Lab and School of Art & Design, and Indiana State University's Department of Art & Design.